Leading to Success

Leading to Success
"Leading you to Success"


7 Secrets for Happy Life and Career

Everybody wishes and hopes for successful life and good career as long as he lives in this universe. Success is not an event, but a continuous process. One must aim and dream for higher positions in his career and life.
 7 Success secrets:

 1. Self-confidence:
It is the main stay of all the factors. Have a clear vision about your aim which should be practical, worthy, feasible and have full confidence in your capacity to achieve it under any circumstances.
 2. Sincere attempts:
 Strive sincerely, without any shadow of doubt both mentally and physically. There should not be any lacunae in your efforts.
 3. Good beginning:
 All is well that ends well. So plan it in a good manner, other wise, it (bad planning) plans for your failure.
 4. Winning of the minds:
 First of all, try to win the minds of your parents, the teachers and the elders, who always wish your welfare and show respect and gratitude towards them, for their timely advices and guidance. They are blessings to you in disguise and never underestimate them and seek their valuable experience and guidance in times of need.
 5. Have pure thoughts:
 Remember and keep it in your mind always that impure thoughts do more harm to our body than food, we take.
 6. Have helping nature:
 Helping others means indirectly helping yourself and in the course of time they, who are benefitted by you, render their valuable services to you in your efforts and career.
7. Have plenty of faith in God:
 Of all the above factors, this is the most important factor. (Atheists may not believe God). My sincere advice is, read the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi (the great soul),”My Experiments with Truth”. Gandhiji always starts his daily programmers with prayer. He has got immense faith in God, the Almighty. He fought bravely against the mighty British Empire and got India’s independence on 15th –August- 1947.
 The golden word is: -“Hope is life. Doubt is death”.


How to Make Big Changes in your Life when get Stuck!

Why big changes are important when feeling stuck

       Do you feel stuck in your life now? Feeling stuck can be a result of many factors. It can be financial problems, loss of job, loneliness, boredom, or just a sense of angst about your life and direction. It might be that your days are busy, and you hardly have time to eat. But, just before bed, you settle down and think to yourself, "Is this all there is?" If this is about you, now it’s the time for a big change in your life. Small change won’t do it. Simply changing your feelings or activity is not going to be enough. You need big changes. Big changes can shake-up your patterns and outlook. If done properly, big changes can create new energy, new happiness, and a new outlook on your life and possibilities. There is no reason to feel stuck anymore. Life is too exciting to be missed, to be forgotten or to be passed on by. Let’s discuss now all the possible elements you might consider in your life now which are ripe for big changes. One or more of these might be just the right recipe for getting unstuck in your life right now!

     How to change your work

     It is easy to get stuck in your work. The most common situation is working for too long in the area which you are good at but no longer enjoy or care about. Worst, it is just to assume that this is who you are and that is what you do; and you don’t even consider anything else until…..the layoff or retirement.

      The best way to get unstuck at work is to change your work from a job to a vocation. A job has limits. It only lasts as long as external forces allow it. With vocation, you do work which feels like a play and it lasts a lifetime.

     What are your natural gifts? Who can benefit from them now? Get creative. What products or services could you sell, which has features and benefits for others? Whether you want to work for yourself or others, refocusing on your core interests and abilities are the best way to get unstuck at work.

     How to change your relationships

     Do you have someone special in your life that supports your dreams, desires and future goals? If so, this is wonderful. No need to make a change here. Do you have a spouse or significant other who is not growing at the rate that you are? Are they always critical of you? Do they always put you down and treat your dreams as foolish? Do you not feel loved and supported for what you want and who you are? It’s time for a new relationship. First, end the relationship which is no longer replenishing your soul with joy, laughter, and companionship. Then, you can find someone, with whom you can be more compatible for the next phase of your life. With a better soul mate by your side, you will feel more like sharing, loving, and supporting. Stuck in a bad relationship? That’s time for a big change here.

     How to change your financial situation

     Do you feel burdened by your money? Do the bills seem endless with no hope in sight? Big changes are needed here. First, get control over where you are spending your money and how you are earning it. Understand that there is a difference between want and need. Money will only behave exactly how you decide to treat it. Then, make sure you are making money doing what you love. As a result, you will be more careful with your money. When you make money doing what you don’t like, you’ll spend it more quickly on almost anything just to make up for the empty way you are feeling. Start to keep track of your money. Make new goals on where to spend and how to save your money. Best is to share your new money plans with your family members, so everyone can participate. Your financial situation can only change if you change.

     How to change your health

     Do you have the daily health that you seek? Do you have the energy that you had twenty years ago? You could if you made big changes here. Are you exercising on a daily basis with activities that you enjoy? Are you eating healthy? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you able to get short naps during the day? If you answered these questions with too many negative answers, then, a big change is needed here. Set a new series of goals for yourself. Maybe, it’s a marathon to run, a weight to lose, or just a decision to start from. All of us are wired to live to 100 if we take care of our health. There is so much to explore and experience in this world, don’t shortage yourself or your life. Get healthy now!

     How to change your emotions

     Are you tired of always feeling down and negative? Then you need big change here as well. The way you think and the questions you feed yourself will determine your overall mood. Start a journal. Answer this question before bed, "I learned the following about myself today." Do this for 30 days and then examine what you wrote. This will help you to make a big change with your emotions. When you wake up in the morning, answer these questions, "What is possible for me, and what I am grateful for?" Only you can change your emotional state. Stop waiting for others to make you feel better. This is an area that requires big changes from you.

     How about your living location

     Do you feel stuck where you live? Move!!! Only big changes will solve this. Maybe you are tired of living in a big city, and you yearn for a slower lifestyle. Maybe you live in the country and you would love to live in a big city. In this country and this world there are so many places to live and experience, there is no reason to settle for living in areas which don’t make you feel alive and hopeful. There are also many opportunities to change your environment which can lift your spirit and sense of adventure. Where would you really love to live? Find out more about those places. Take the steps now to move there!

     How to change your habits

     It is easy to settle into bad habits. It is hard to change. Do you have any addictions or just habits which seem to slow you down? This is an area ready for big changes. The way to change unhealthy habits is to replace them with new behavior which is more useful, healthier, and which makes you feel better about yourself. Big changes in this area will give you big leverage in your life now!

     How about your friends

     Do you have the right friends? Are your friends supportive? Do you feel good when you are around your circle of friends? Does your current circle of friends share your interests? Do you come home after spending time with these people and feel wonderful? Or you come home wondering why you wasted your time. Making big changes and acquiring new friends can make all the difference for you if you are feeling stuck in this area.

     Big changes are needed when you are stuck

     There are many people who will advise you not to make a change, because it is too risky, not practical, and silly. But remember this is your one life to live and only YOU know how you feel and only YOU have the power to make positive changes. Are you feeling stuck in one or more areas of your life? Then, now is the time for BIG changes, nothing less. As a result, your life will be brighter, more joyful, and simply happier!

I'll be cheering you on as you go!

Some more tips for Happy and Successful life

Each and everyone wishes to have a successful life in this world, including yourself. We must know at least some factors that influence the success.
 Whatever you are, you are unique. You can certainly make a significant mark. You must wake up and take up the challenge. You will definitely come up in life.
 We usually say that a certain person, who was insignificant earlier, is now earning millions of dollars/ rupees and another person who had been very poor before, later on got educated with other’s charity and now become international fame. May be they are very lucky people. Let them be so.
 The golden word is: “Hard work is another name for luck. Leave nothing to chance”.
 Whatever be your status to start with, you must work hard sincerely and should become a great person, so that not only your family, the village/ town and the country should feel proud of you as the great son of the soil. So be prepared and rest assured.
  How to lead a happy and successful life?
 1. Be modest, face the dangers with valor.
 2. Anger be replaced by endurance, have a chaste-living.
 3. Never bother about the past (impossible to change it), instead learning a lesson from the past and not to commit the same mistakes are the essential qualities of a wise man.
 4. Know your strengths: These are the plus points and some of them are given below:
 A. You have good health and able to get sound sleep every night
 B. You have the tenacity of the purpose
 C. You are well educated and the intention to acquire further knowledge in your field / profession
 D. You have conversational skills
 E. You are indifferent to criticism by others
 F. You are very pragmatic and not mere day –dreamer
 G. You have good family back ground
 H. You have the leadership qualities,
 I. You are ready to work any where and can maintain good relationship with the public.
 5. Know your weaknesses (if you got any) also and try to overcome them:

Following are some of the weaknesses normally present in many persons:
 1. Having laziness
 1. Not able to express your views clearly and people cannot understand you properly
 2. Not able to control your anger
 3. You develop jealousy if others are successful
 4. Finding fault with every person
 5. You feel that, you physically not so attractive
 6. Having the tendency of showing partiality towards your community people
 7. You feel upset, if others criticize you
 8. Not able to get rid of bad company of friends, etc.
 Remember you have to do careful introspection to correctly identify your weaknesses and sincerely try to remove them from you, either by meditation or by taking counseling from experts.

Louis Britto


20 tips to lead successful daily life

We have to follow these 20 simple things in our daily life to reduce stress and enjoy happy life.
20 tips for happy daily life:
1. Silence: As soon as you rise from the bed, observe ten minutes or silence without any thoughts, which give you peace of mind through out the day. Learn meditation and Yoga.
2. Color of cloths: Colored cloths for teenagers and white cloths for adults give enthusiasm as per latest research.
 3. Goodness: Memorize all the good things you did in your life. Forget the bad memories.
4. Sleep: 6-8 hours of good sleep is necessary. This is necessary to recoup body and mind.
5. No negative thoughts: If you think negatively, the body secretes hormones and chemicals which in turn cause stress.
6.Happiness: Cheerfulness not only energizes you, but also your colleagues.
7. Friends: Try to spend your spare time with like minded persons. Keep away from negative mentality people.
8.Answers and Solutions: In stead of bothering about your problems, try to find solutions. It will raise your confidence levels.
9. Caffeine: Not more than 2-3 cups. Don’t get addicted to them.
10.Love: Love increases life time of a person. Love makes life beautiful.
11.Different things: Routine life activities bring boredom. Try to make routine things in different ways i.e.; Change your breakfast menu, cultivate new hobbies, travel to new places etc.
12.Challenges: Take up new challenges with courage.
13. Writing: Maintain a diary of your activities. Try to put in your feelings. It will reduce your stress.
farmer American President Abraham Lincoln used to write his hard feelings in the paper and through them into dustbin.
14. Argument: As the proverb says, argument brings fire and Discussion brings light. Just listen to the other    person’s opinion sand try to think in his perspective.
15. Aim: Aim high, work hard and achieve them. You get ultimate happiness when you achieve your goals.
16. Weeping: Don’t try to suppress your emotions. Crying helps to reduce stress.
17. Breakfast: Never skip breakfast. Take breakfast like a emperor.
18. Exercise: Brisk walking for 45-60 minutes is the best form of exercise.
19. Water: Take at least 2-3 liters’ of water per day.
20. God: Last but not least. Start your day with a prayer to God. Prayer unlocks your mind to happiness. Faith in God brings enormous power to your daily life.
Practice the above 20 things, see the wonders in your life.


Louis Britto